Students aged 14-16 years and their teachers are invited to join the CommNet Education eSeminar to learn about research to make the potato cropping more environmentally benign with genetic modification (GM). The seminar will be given by Prof. Bert Lotz from Wageningen University and Research Centre, partner of the AMIGA project.
At present, farmers need to spray potatoes many times during the season. Questions will be addressed like what do we need to know to grow GM late blight resistant potatoes in a more sustainable way, how to measure impact on the environment, and last but not least, how does research respond to the current debate in society on GM crops?
In addition, the session will provide students with insights into career opportunities in scientific and technological research in Europe.
The eSeminar is open to everyone, but will be of particular interest to students aged 14 – 16 years and their teachers.
To join the seminar, please click here