ENDURE was originally a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission from 2007 to 2010. Network partners learned to work together as researchers and agricultural advisers tackled the complexities of helping European farmers meet the challenges of the new European regulatory framework regarding crop protection. This framework puts a special emphasis on IPM, demanding each Member State places it firmly at the centre of their agricultural planning as part of National Action Plans which must be produced as part of the new legislation.
Now, ENDURE’s 15 partners, including research institutes and universities part of the AMIGA project, continue to operate at the heart of IPM research and extension, working alongside others in this dynamic and challenging field to identify those areas where further research is needed, possible funding sources and providing expert assistance, both nationally and at a European level, to ensure IPM continues to develop as a sustainable, cost-effective and achievable way of contributing to food security and a better environment.
For more information, please visit the ENDURE Website.