Last July, two Wageningen research fields were damaged in the Netherlands in a case of vandalism by an unknown group. The damaged test fields were used to test GM potatoes and other crops.

Wageningen University, partner in the AMIGA consortium, is currently involved in the testing of cultivation of potato varieties, which are resistant to Phytophthora, which is the cause of the potato blight disease. Aside from genetic modification, the researchers have been using various breeding techniques accepted in organic farming.

One of the potato test plots in question was trampled upon while another plot was sprayed over with a weed killer, destroying parts of the experiments. The AMIGA plots suffered only limited damage, however the overall costs of the damages caused are estimated to be in the tens of thousands of euros. While this has been a blow to research looking into disease resistant GMO production in a sustainable manner, research will continue in the same open and transparent way.

The European Commission has been duly informed and kept continuously updated about the occurrence by the AMIGA project coordinator, Dr. Salvatore Arpaia from ENEA.

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