University of Würzburg
The University of Würzburg (WUE)
The University of Würzburg is one of the oldest and largest universities of Germany with a strong focus on interdisciplinary
research in biology and environmental sciences.
The Faculty of Biology has well-equipped common facilities such as the Botanical Garden, the Honey Bee Station and an Ecological Research Station. The Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology has modern facilities with molecular labs, climate chambers, glasshouses, experimental fields, GIS equipment and a reference collection for insects. The group has access to central labs for bioimaging, ultrafast DNA-sequencing, metabolomics and bioinformatics.
UWUE will lead WP6 and will provide research expertise on landscape ecology, pollination, bee biology, pollinator monitoring and environmental risk assessment of GM crops for pollinators.
Staff members’ profile
Ingolf Steffan Dewenter is chair of the Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology at UWUE. His research is focussed on the impact of global change on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Stephan Härtel is research associate in the Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology. The main focus of his research is environmental risk assessment of GM crops for honey bees. Nadja Danner und Karin Steijven are PhD students in the project.