Lund University has about 40,000 undergraduate students in all disciplines and is one of Sweden’s largest and best known universities. Lund University has an extensive experience from EU Research.
The university has currently approximately 250 projects running within FP6 (mainly in the areas of Technology, Science and Medicine). The Department of Ecology consists of 7 sub-departments that cooperate in research and education, with roughly 250 people employed. As such, it is the largest in Sweden and has a broad base of ecological science. Research includes studies of ecology of soil organisms, insect biology and plant ecology. The unit for biodiversity and conservation ecology has expertise in the ecology of plants in the agricultural landscape, gene flow, seed dormancy and plant-soil interactions. The soil ecology group at Lund University has, and is, carrying out research on mechanisms and dynamics of food webs (interactions) and processes (decomposition) in soil. The research is supported by the EU and the Swedish Research council for environment and spatial planning.
ULUND will be the coordinator of the Boreal regional group and host Bt-maize field trials. ULUND will contribute with data from agricultural and receiving environments in the Boreal region. ULUND will participate in WP1, WP2, WP6 and WP8.
Staff members’ profile
Dr. Tina D’Hertefeldt is a plant ecologist who works with plant life histories of wild and weedy plants and plant/soil interactions in agricultural systems. At present she works in the EU-project SOILSERVICE with the effects of soil management on crop, volunteer and weedy plants. She is a member of the Board of Gene Technology in Sweden. Has extensive teaching experience in general ecology and plant ecology.
Dr. Lars Pettersson works with life-history strategies in insects and fish. Has investigated invasive species and is the national coordinator of the Swedish Butterfly Monitoring Program that was established in 2010. Ongoing research is on effects of land management on moth diversity in the agricultural landscape, and on aspects of butterfly diversity. Has extensive teaching experience in field faunistics, animal ecology and statistics.