Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Stiinte Biologice (INCDSB)
The National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences is a Romanian legal entity in the coordination of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research. At present, INCDSB is organized and works in the conditions stipulated by Romanian law (HG no. 2082/2004) and it performs applied and fundamental researches in the field of life sciences, to enrich the basic knowledge of the living, of the development of organisms in specific environmental conditions, of the biodiversity and preservation of the national genofund. The INCDSB’s activities include also the following research directions: cell and molecular biology, taxonomy, ecology and sustainable use of resources, bio-analysis, biotechnologies, and environment quality control.
The “Stejarul” Research Centre for Biological Sciences (CCBS) is one of the branches of the institute. The main research directions of its Department of Ecology, Resources and Environment include: analysis of the genetic structure and variability of plant genome; GMO analysis and genome stability under stress; the ecotoxicology of the anthropic impact on the ecosystems; evaluation of the action of abiotic factors in protected areas – environmental and impact studies. The department has specialists in the fields of botany, plant breeding, entomology, ecology, working together with a small group specialized in plant molecular genetics.
INCDSB/CCBS will conduct and manage GM field trials and monitoring in commercial GM cultivations. The centre will contribute with its own researches, data and competence in other workpackages, including field studies in non-GM agroecosystems. INCDSB/CCBS contribute to WP1, WP2, WP6, WP7, WP8 and WP11.
Staff members’ profile
Dr Mihael Cristin ICHIM (INCDSB/CCBS coordinator), experienced plant molecular biologist, he manages and coordinates the Department of Ecology, Resources and Environment. His researches are focused on the biosafety of GMPs and the behaviour of the transgenic events under abiotic stresses. He is a member of the GMO Technical Committee of the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA).
Prof Ecaterina Tunde TOTH, is a plant biochemist and molecular biologist with her current research in plant transgenics, plant ecology and natural ecosystem’s monitoring and assessment. This includes issues in ecological resilience, environmental impact, plant biodiversity and genetic resources evaluation and preservation.
Dr Alecu DIACONU, is an experienced entomologist mainly focused on biological control of pests in different agro-ecosystems with extension towards the study of natural parasitoid communities of different crops pests and the field invasive weeds in North America and Europe, especially for detection of new potential biocontrol agents, or identification of some mechanism of invasion.