Press Review
- 16/12/2014 – “Teagasc GMO trials focus on addressing long-term agriculture issues”,
- 24/10/2014 – “AMIGA Project at its Last Stage in Study of GM Plants”, Food & Drink Business Europe
- 22/10/2014 – “Il centro ENEA coordinatore del progetto AMIGA”,
- 22/10/2014 – “Uso degli OGM si valuta con il progetto AMIGA l’impatto ambientale”, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
- 22/10/2014 – Uno studio per valutare il possibile impatto ambientale degli OGM”, La Nuova del Sud
- 22/10/2014 – “Centro Trisaia, a Bruxelles i risultati progetto AMIGA”,
- 21/10/2014 – “ENEA: quarto anno di attività sulla valutazione dell’impatto ambientale degli OGM”,
- 20/10/2014 – “AMIGA project at its last stage in the study of Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of GM plants “, Cordis Wire
- 16/10/2014 – “AMIGA project at its last stage in the study of Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of GM plants”,
- 17/09/2014 – “AMIGA Summer School: Environmental Risk Assessment of GM crops”, BEES Research Blog
- 09/04/2014 – “Teagasc says Europe’s opposition to GM research ‘profoundly regrettable’”, Irish Examiner
- 07/04/2014 – “Agri Chief backs GM Research.”, Irish Farmers Monthly
- 25/02/2014 – “Genetically modified food”, Prime Time – RTE ONE
- 25/02/2014 – “UFU attends National Potato Conference”, Farming Life
- 18/02/2014 – “Positive initial findings in Irish GM potato trials”, Agriland
- 20/11/2013 – “AMIGA partners in Argentina to join the discourse on biosafety”, Cordis Wire
- 1/10/2013 – “Genetically Modified Potatoes: Making Slow Inroads”, Spudsmart Media
- 15/09/2013 – “Too early to say if GM is viable option for Irish agriculture, Teagasc”, AGRILAND
- 12/08/2013 – “Head of EFSA GMO Unit visited AMIGA field trials in Spain”, Cordis Wire
- 09/08/2013 – “Fielding the questions”,
- 06/08/2013 – “First step to a central geographic information system for the AMIGA project”, Cordis Wire
- 14/06/2013 – “AMIGA fields studies to support the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of GM plants”, Cordis Wire
- 14/06/2013 – “AMIGA project welcomes JOURNALISTS at ENEA’s premises”, Cordis Wire
- 11/06/2013 – “Testing GM crops”, Irish Times
- 09/06/2013 – “Teagasc GM potato study to begin second phase in Carlow”, The Irish Times
- 04/04/2013 – “Freilandversuch zeigt: Gentechnisch veränderte Maispollen nicht schädlich für Bienen”, Press Release from Thünen-Institut
- 01/02/2013 – “GM Debate”, An Taisce Newsletter, Volume 5, Issue 1
- 15/01/2013 – “Genetically Modified Potatoes: Making Slow Inroads”,
- 15/12/2012 – “GM helping to fight potato blight”, Farmers Weekly
- 10/12/2012 – “Study of GM potato a must, debate hold” – Irish Times
- 19/11/2012 – “Seminar on plant biotechnology attracted many participants”,
- 18/09/2012 – “Irlanda: gli esperimenti sulle patate OGM non sono in contrasto con la coltivazione biologica”, FreshPlaza
- 12/09/2012 – “Alimentare: a Rotondella progetto sperimentazione patate ogm”, ANSA, Potenza
- 11/09/2012 – “Progetto Amiga – Assessing and Monitoring the impacts of Genetically modified plants on Agro-ecosystems”, Le Scienze Web News
- 08/09/2012 – “Patate modificate geneticamente. Centro Enea coordina le ricerche”, Europass
- 08/09/2012 – “Patate modificate geneticamente. Centro Enea coordina le ricerche”, La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
- 07/09/2012 – “Controversial GM potato trial to yield results in weeks”, Irish Times
- 07/09/2012 – “Progetto AMIGA: in Irlanda parte la sperimentazione delle patate OGM”, Italfruit News
- 07/09/2012 – “ENEA/ Efsa: sinergie europee per sperimentazione OGM”
- 06/09/2012 – “Progetto Amiga: Enea coordina la sperimentazione su patate OGM”, FreshPlaza
- 06/09/2012 – “Enea sperimenta le patate Ogm”, Europass
- 06/09/2012 – “Enea sperimenta le patate Ogm”, Il Quotidiano di Basilicata
- 06/09/2012 – “Una patata per AMIGA”, La Nuova del Sud
- 05/09/2012 – “CONFEURO: OGM, la conoscenza è sempre positiva”,
- 05/09/2012 – “Enea. Progetto AMIGA riceve ok alla sperimentazione sulle patate GM in Irlanda”, il Metapontino
- 05/09/2012 – “Sperimentazione patate Ogm con progetto UE Enea”,
- 05/09/2012 – “Centro Enea capofila nel progetto europeo ‘Amiga'”, Emmenews TV
- 05/09/2012 – OGM,OK test campo patata ricerca ENEA Irlanda. Non ci sarà sperimentazione in campo in Italia, ANSA, Valle d’Aosta
- 05/09/2012 – “Alimentare: sperimentazione patate ogm”, ANSA, Basilicata
- 03/09/2012 – “Independent GM Research Required for Informed Debate”, Teagasc
- 31/08/2012 – ” Teagasc criticised over GM potato trial”, Irish Times
- 27/07/2012 – “Go ahead for Teagasc GM trials criticised”, Irish Times
- 27/07/2012 – Agricultural Biotech. “Ireland: Green light for GM potatoes test”, EuropaBio Newsletter
- 26/07/2012 – “Organic farmers critical of GM potato decision”, video on
- 26/07/2012 – “GM potatoes to be grown” – Teagasc’s John Spink & organic farmer John Brennan, interview on
- 26/07/2012 – “Teagasc receives licence from EPA to investigate the environmental impact of GM blight resistant potatoes”, Teagasc Website
- 26/07/2012 – “EPA gives consent for GM potato field trials”, EPA Website
- 25/06/2012 – “How to monitor genetically modified crops in Europe”, Aarhus University website
- 12/06/2012 – “AMIGA: Coordinating European research on GM plants and their impacts”, GMO Safety Website
- 04/06/2012 – (AE) RECHERCHE: “comment évaluer l’impact des cultures OGM ?”, Agence Europe
- 28/05/2012 – “Honung med pollen från gmo-majs stoppad”, Skånska Dagbladet
- 15/05/2012 – “Lo studio degli Ogm alla Trisaia”, Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
- 15/05/2012 – “Mais o patate, eseguiranno i test per valutare l’impatto”, Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
- 28/03/2012 – “ASA Supports Teagasc Application for License to Research GM Potatoes “, Teagasc website
- 17/03/2012 – “Teagasc responds to GM questions”, Irish Farmers Journal
- 14/03/2013 – Interview for Sciberia, Exploring Science in Ireland and Beyond, Gerard Cunningham visited Oak Park, and spoke to Dr Ewen Mullins
- 14/03/2012 – Teagasc’s Interview with Food writer Suzanne Campbell on the Today with Pat Kenny radio programme on RTE1
- RTE News at 0ne with Roisin Duffy on 13th March 2012: Interview with Teagasc Researcher Ewen Mullins
- 13/03/2012 – “Teagasc seeks permission for GM potato trial”, video on
- 28/02/2012 – “Irish research group applies for GM potato trial licence”,
- 27/02/2012 – “GM potato trials in Ireland”, ‘The Last Word’ show, Radio interview to Dr Ewen Mullins from Teagasc
- 27/02/2012 – Teagasc applying to field test GM potatoes as part of EU Research Study, Teagasc Website
- 21/12/2011 – “La Trisaia riferimento delle agrobiotecnologie”, Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno
- 13/12/2011 – “Trisaia, al via il progetto Amiga sugli OGM”, La Nuova del Sud
- 12/12/2011 – “Il centro di ricerche ENEA della Trisaia punto di riferimento internazionale per valutazione e monitoraggio degli OGM, ENEA
- 12/12/11 – “Enea, al via meeting su piante geneticamente modificate “,
- 12/12/11 – “Il centro di ricerca ENEA della Trisaia punto di riferimento internazionale per valutazione e monitoraggio degli OGM”,