- Deliverable 1.14
Report summarizing AMIGA outcomes with possible relevance for EFSA guidance documents - Deliverable 2.1
Regional Protection Goals In Different European Regions - Deliverable 2.2
Report on the current baseline conditions of different bio-geographic regions in Europe - Deliverable 2.3
Principles for selecting field sites for ERA/PMEM - Deliverable 2.4
Decision system for selecting a network of EU representatative sites - Deliverable 3.1
A central GIS and associated database - Deliverable 3.2
Database of agricultural, economic and environmental factors for each of the 5 regions - Deliverable 3.3
Report on a definitive set of indicators - Deliverable 3.4
Synthesis paper on major changes in agricultural factors over the past 30 years - Deliverable 3.5
Report on Limits of concern - Deliverable 4.1
Report on the structural diversity of soil bacteria - Deliverable 4.2
Report on baseline soil fungal community structure - Deliverable 4.3
Report on nematode diversity in rhizospheres and soil - Deliverable 4.4
Report of GM effects on soil focal species of nematodes - Deliverable 4.5
Report on induced stress by GM plants on nematode focal species - Deliverable 4.6
Protocol for testing potential effects f GM crop residues (maize and potato) on earthworm species - Deliverable 4.7
Report on potential earthworm species as appropriate focal species for cropping systems with maize and potato from different biogeographical regions - Deliverable 4.8
Report on definitions of harm, damage and limits of concern for soil fertility - Deliverable 5.1
Establishment of relative abundance of NTOs in maize and potato - Deliverable 5.2
Set of standardised ERA protocols for Non-Target Organisms - Deliverable 6.1
Report on standardised laboratory test methods and effects of different AMIGA GM pollen on in vitro reared pollinators - Deliverable 6.2
Report on risks of GM crops to bee pollinators and pollination services - Deliverable 6.3
Report on pollinator monitoring and honey bee exposure - Deliverable 7.1
Report on existing monitoring strategies and experience - Deliverable 7.2
Adaptation of methodologies for Lepidoptera GMO monitoring and validation on AMIGA field sites - Deliverable 7.3
Prototypes of spatially-explicit exposure/hazard models on two case studies - Deliverable 7.4
Adaptation of FlorSys to maize cropping systems - Deliverable 7.5
Report on the potential use of exposure-hazard models to optimize monitoring sampling schemes - Deliverable 7.6
Prototype of a GIS-based monitoring information system - Deliverable 7.7
Report on the PMEM toolbox and recommendations to risk managers - Deliverable 8.1
Review of Integrated Pest Management options for GM crop traits in Europe - Deliverable 8.2
Development and assessment of IPM Strategies for European GM maize - Deliverable 8.3
Development and assessment of IPM strategies for the cultivation of GM potato - Deliverable 8.4
Quantitative data on the impact of resistance genes on the population dynamics of P. infestans - Deliverable 8.5
Model on the durability of single and/or stacked disease tolerant traits for the Potato – P. infestans pathosystem - Deliverable 8.6
Assessment of the environmental impact of potato late blight resistant potato in an IPM strategy - Deliverable 9.1
Overview of field studies, examples of datasets, statistical models and a simulation tool - Deliverable 9.2
Statistical aspects of a protocol for single-environment GMO field studies based on a simulation study to investigate properties of difference and equivalence tests - Deliverable 9.3
Software implementing methods for analysis of single-environment field trial ERA data - Deliverable 9.4
Protocols for statistical aspects of non-target effects field studies - Deliverable 9.5
Software for power analysis and analysis of data from field studies - Deliverable 9.6
Comments and draft text for statistical aspects in ERA guidance - Deliverable 10.1
Review of currently available economic data related to transgenic crops - Deliverable 10.2
Economic model capable of estimating revenue implications of adopting transgenic crops in the EU - Deliverable 10.3
Secondary impacts: Economic estimates of secondary impacts in relation to parameters such as
impacts on non-target organisms, greenhouse gases and water quality and health - Deliverable 10.4
Regional cases of financial impacts on farm - Deliverable 10.5
Integrated Pest Management: A cost-benefit analysis of IPM options for maize and potato in
Europe - Deliverable 10.6
Modelling the economic impact of new GM traits - Deliverable 11.2
AMIGA Website - Proceedings of the final Conference