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Genetically modified maize MON810 is now officially prohibited in 21 European territories

The first effects of the modified regulation for cultivation of genetically modified plants in the European Union are visible on the Commission implementing decision (eu) 2016/321 of 3 March 2016…

AMIGA Summer School 2015 in Nitra

Fourteen students coming from 12 countries (Argentina, India, Sri Lanka, Bulgaria, Czech republic, Germany, Nigeria, Italy, Spain, UK, France, Slovakia) are attending the AMIGA Summer School 2015 in Nitra (SK). After…

AMIGA project already quoted in a school book

AMIGA project is at the forefront of research in the area of biosafety of genetically modified plants. While its activities are still ongoing, the soundness of its approach and the…

About the AMIGA Summer Schools

Take a look at the AMIGA brand new video, which gives an overview of the project and its activities, with a focus on the Summer Schools on on Environmental Risk Assessment…

AMIGA partners announce 2015 Summer School in Slovakia

AMIGA consortium is glad to announce that the second AMIGA Summer School will take place in the week of 19 – 22 October 2015 in Nitra, Slovakia and hosted by the Slovak…

INRA hosted the AMIGA 3rd General Assembly in Paris

AMIGA project Coordinator, Dr Salvatore Arpaia, and deputy coordinator, Dr Antoine Messean, chaired the 3rd General Assembly, which gathered AMIGA partners at INRA in Paris, the 7th and 8th January…

The ENDURE 2007-2010 Network of Excellence

ENDURE was originally a Network of Excellence funded by the European Commission from 2007 to 2010. Network partners learned to work together as researchers and agricultural advisers tackled the complexities…

AMIGA @ the BEES Lunchtime Seminar Series

On the 14th November, Dr Ewen Mullins, from Teagasc, has been invited to give a talk entitled “Securing commercial potato production against the global pathogen Phytophthora infestans: Is GM technology a…

Third Stakeholders Meeting to present outcomes of the AMIGA project

2014_AMIGA aerial image
After three years of activities and fields studies, the AMIGA project will meet with stakeholders to disclose some significant outcomes of the project on the 30th of October at the…

AMIGA to contribute to the Biotech Week 2014

On the 8th of October, the AMIGA communication partner, Minerva Consulting & Communication, will give its contribution to the Biotech Week 2014, which takes place in Brussels and all across…