Dr Ian McFarlane will represent the University of Reading at the World Congress of Agricultural Biotechnology that will take place in Dalian, China, on the 20-23 September 2012. University of Reading is one of th 22 partners, which compose the AMIGA consortium and the one responsible for the work package concerning the economic and financial assessment of transgenic crops in the European Union.
The scientific committee of the World Congress has accepted the abstract submitted by Dr Ian McFarlane based on the “Economic consequences of regulatory constraints on transgenic crop cultivation in EU”. Dr McFarlane’s presentation aims at explaining the first economic model iteration and discussing with the participants to gather the first comments and feedback.
The BIT’s 2nd Annual World Congress of Agricultural Biotechnology is hosted by the Information Research Centre of International Talent, SAFEA with the support of China Council for the Promotion International Trade Dalian Sub-council. The main theme is based on agricultural biotechnology, which is an advanced technology that allows plant breeders to make precise genetic changes to impart beneficial traits to the crop plants relied on for food and fiber.
WCAB-2012 will bring together industry leaders, investors, policy makers, scientists, researchers and other professionals working in the area of AgBio and discuss the latest scientific advances in agricultural biotechnology and future directions of the technologies.