AMIGA project – «Assessing and Monitoring the Impacts of Genetically modified plants (GMPs) on Agro-ecosystems» –  is a newly started EU project, funded by the FP7, aiming at producing scientific data related to the possible environmental and economic impacts of cultivation of GMPs that are relevant to European environments.

AMIGA project website is launched on the 28th of February 2012 as source of information for specialised and general public.

The project website is one of the main communication tools and a fundamental source of information for AMIGA’s stakeholders. The public area allows the general public to browse both general information about the project and specific information about the research acrtivities. The website is structured into seven sections including project overview, partners’ profile, newsroom, documents, research, events and activities, and database system.

Specific information also include the scientific activities of the consortium that will consist of case studies of maize and potato, which are the two GM crops currently approved for cultivation in Europe, and surveys in non-GM agro-systems.

AMIGA’s main objectives include providing baseline data on biodiversity in agro-eco-systems in the EU, defining bioindicators suitable for various European regions, a better integration of the aspects related to specific agricultural ecosystems in the European Union, an improvement of knowledge on potential long-term effects, and finally an assessment on the economic effects of cultivation of GMPs in the EU through a more systematic analysis.