On the 12th and 13th of December 2011, the consortium forming AMIGA project has gathered in the marvellous scenery of the “city of stones”, as Matera, Italy, is called.

Opened with an introductory welcome by the project coordinator, Mr. Salvatore Arpaia, from ENEA, the meeting successfully launched the working activities of the partners involved. The AMIGA consortium gathers 22 partners, from 15 EU countries and Argentina.

The project officer from the EC, Mr. Jens Hoegel, congratulated the coordinator and praised the “high scientific level of competences of the project thanks to the expertise of the partners” coming from well reputed research centres and universities leading the 11 work packages that compose the project.

The partners have immediately shown a willingness to collaborate with each other and they started to set up a well defined methodology to facilitate the collection of results and the comparison of these in the different countries.