MINERVA Consulting & Communication
MINERVA is a Belgian PR agency established at the beginning of 1998 and specialised in the management and execution of communication and dissemination activities within European research related projects for the EC Programmes. MINERVA gives support to research partners in a consortium, executing all dissemination and communication activities and raising awareness to target stakeholders and the public at large. MINERVA has been involved and active in FP projects producing all sorts of information tools to make the communication be appropriate for the target groups (some examples are: websites, logos, leaflets, newsletters, online and offline material, audiovisual material and interactive presentations, web streamed conferences, social media tools, training modules). It is currently coordinating a CSA, STREAM, Sustainable Technologies and Research for European Aquatic Management and a CSA, MAITRE, Media Actions for International Training of Researchers. In addition to this, MINERVA is currently partner in CHAARM, Combined Highly Active Anti-retroviral Microbicides; in EnRiMa, Energy Efficiency and Risk Management in Public Buildings; in AMIGA, Assessing and Monitoring the Impacts of Genetically modified plants on Agro-ecosystems and AERA-PRO, Aeronautics and air transport European Research Agenda – Promotion.
MINERVA will be the Communication and dissemination work package leader (WP11), preparing and implementing the dissemination plan and tools. Their tasks will include: the management of the communication activities; the organisation of dedicated events and media campaigns in synergies with other related events and initiatives at the European level to give the project the right impact; the assessment of the impact of the activities carried out during the whole duration of the project. MINERVA will also contribute to WP1 (Management Board).
Staff members’ profile
Hinano Spreafico D. F. is Director of Minerva Consulting & Communication. Since the beginning of 2004, Hinano has been involved in the preparation and management of EU funded projects under the EU Framework Programmes. She has extensive know-how in coordinating EU contracts and implementing all the communication and dissemination activities, taking charge of the design and development of strategic communication and dissemination plans, preparation of communication material and activities, organisation of events and workshops at international level. Hinano holds a MA in Humanities, followed by a Master Course in promotion of cultural heritage and organisation of exhibitions, a Course in EU Projects Management and a Master Class in Science Communication. She is now principle responsible and member of the Dissemination Committees of the projects where Minerva is coordinator or partner; she coordinates a team of 15 people.
Michela Pichereddu holds a MSc in International Relations and a Master Degree in Communication for the International Relations from the IULM University in Milan. Her expertise in the international relations area includes European projects’ collaborations and European studies. After achieving the MSc, her knowledge deepened on institutional communications, global new media and social media tools. In MINERVA she contributes to the execution of dissemination activities of EU funded research project.