AMIGA has launched its first Summer School, which will be hosted by Teagasc in Carlow, Ireland, from the 2nd till the 5th of September 2014.
The selected participants are early-career researchers in the field of environmental risk assessment and they will attend a series of content-specific lectures provided by AMIGA consortium with the task of providing an overview of the fundamentals of ERA for GM cropping.
Specifically, attendees will receive training in designing, executing and analysing small scale field trials (e.g. including conformity with EFSA guidance) and applying problem formulation as a strategy for ERA. Other sessions will be practically based so that attendees can be exposed to the principles of ERA in an open field situation.
During the four days- school different themes will be addressed: from the Interactions between GM crops and non-target organisms (NTOs) to the Ecological and environmental risk and Post-market environmental modelling and the importance of the communication of the research results.
A second AMIGA Summer School is planned to be organised in 2015.
Click here to view the final programme of the Summer School.